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Spirituality is a normal human need.
It comes naturally to children – their awe and wonder about the world.
What is it:
Spiritualism is the opposite of materialism
A feeling of balance and wholeness
A feeling of meaning, purpose, and value in life
Filled with awe, wonder, and respect
Seeing outside and beyond oneself
An understanding of interconnectedness, and engagement in genuine community Knowing that there is more to the world than oneself
A relationship with something greater than oneself
Being intentional in one’s treatment of oneself, others, and the world
A sense of spirituality makes one happier, less likely to use drugs, and helps cope with the big issues in life, such as illness, suffering, and death.
It gives a big picture view and helps make sense of the world.
It helps people feel they are not alone.
If you feel your life has meaning and value, you develop deeper relationships, which also makes you happier.
It helps develop values such as compassion, tolerance, empathy, generosity, sacrifice, and genuineness.
Promote Spirituality Through:
Clarification of your own beliefs
Talk about your values and spirituality
Use of daily events to teach spirituality
Rituals and family traditions
Stress the spiritual aspects of holidays
Prayer, silence, and reflection
Teach how to listen
Community service
Appreciate nature
Tell stories
Admit you don’t have all the answers